Freeborn Girls
Separated by history
Linked by a twist of fate
London 2019 and Frances Quilter MP is distracted from affairs of state by affairs of the heart: a love affair and her ailing mother.
When trouble erupts on the troubled Cooper Estate in her south London constituency, she fatally misjudges the public mood.
In 1643 the estate was farmland, home to Elizabeth Gardiner, a young girl sold as an indentured labourer and transported to America.
Former MP Sally Keeble uses her insider knowledge of Parliament, and her love of South London to weave a captivating story of these two women. Two lives brought together by a twist of fate.
She, You, I
A novel
When Skye Stanhope returns to her grandmother’s childhood home, she’s searching for the roots of her life story. Why her tough-minded granny Maisie ran away to war. And why her brilliant mother Isla died.
Behind the two women’s successes—Maisie as an entrepreneur and Isla as a city financier—lies deep trauma. Skye uncovers their inner torments: the forces that bound the women together but also tore them apart. Woven into their lives is Hsiao Ling, a seamstress whose ancestor disappeared in wartime France.
Through each woman’s story, “She, You, I” holds up a mirror to the complexity of family relationships; mothers, daughters, sisters. And what happens to the hurt we can’t forget.

Sign up now for my free heart-warming novella
"Flora's Choice"
Flora Munro finds herself free after her violent husband dies. “What happens now is up to you,” her daughter tells her. So what will she do with her newfound freedom? And what choice will she make when an old admirer comes calling.
"Flora's Choice" will be sent free of charge to everyone who signs up for my newsletter.

Stories behind the story
Click on the pictures below to read more ...
"She,You, I" is fiction - but there are some real-life stories behind it. Here's more about the wedding dress that inspired Maisie, the airbase where she served, Alan Turing, her husband's hero, the City financial crash, and the Chinese Labour Corps' cemetery. You can scroll the pictures or follow the 'go to link' to discover the special pages on each story.

The swinging '60s - the vibrant setting for Flora's Choice.

An iconic dress that inspired Maisie's boutique

Northern Rock's collapse heralded the 2008 crash

The swinging '60s - the vibrant setting for Flora's Choice.